Annual Return Tahunan 2025 sudah sedia untuk diisi.

eNRR 2025 update!

To Doctor and Paramedic,
Thank you for your continuous support and cooperation.
  1. Annual Return 2025 system will be ready by 04 March 2025.
    1. Submission Due Date: 28 Feb 2026.
  2. Annual Return 2024 Submission is already closed on 03 March 2025
  3. Annual Return 2023 Submission is already closed on 01 March 2024
  4. Annual Return 2022 Submission is already closed on 13 February 2023

Terima kasih atas sokongan dan kerjasama berterusan dari anda. Kemaskini maklumat 2025:
Annual Return 2025 telah dimuatnaik di Annual Return List, anda sudah boleh mula memasukkan data pesakit.
Tarikh Akhir Penyerahan: 28 Feb 2026

From eMOSS to eMyKAS (Malaysian Kidney Allocation System) For eMyKAS (Adult) 
  1. All patients (>=18 and < 60 years old) that are registered with the National Renal Registry
  2. EPTS scores will be calculated:
    1. EPTS <= 40 “Eligible for Assessment”
    2. EPTS > 40 “Ineligible for Assessment”
  3. Patients with EPTS score of <= 40% will be divided into their own blood group .These patients will be prioritised in their individual blood group using the following criteria
    1. Duration of dialysis (i.e. patients with longer duration of dialysis will be higher in the list)
  4. The following patients will be prioritized if they are deemed fit to undergo kidney transplantation
    1. Living kidney donors who developed ESRD
    2. Living kidney transplant recipient with primary non-function (due to technical reason)
    3. Family members (first degree) of deceased donors
    4. Organ pledgers (who have registered as pledger minimum of 3 years prior to diagnosis of CKD)
To know more, click here for the 'MyKAS Introduction'
From eMOSS to eMyKAS (Malaysian Kidney Allocation System)
For eMyKAS (Paediatric) 

  1. All paediatric patients (age < 18 years old) weighing 17 kg or more that are registered with NRR are "Eligible for Assessment"
    • The weight data is capture from the latest available data from Vital Sign section in Annual return Form
    • For hemodialysis patient - It is the post HD weight
    • For peritoneal dialysis patient - It is the Post-drain weight
  2. These patients will be prioritised in their individual blood group using the following criteria:
    1. Living kidney transplant recipient with primary non-function (due to technical reason)
    2. Family members (first degree) of deceased donors
    3. Duration of dialysis (i.e. patients with longer duration of dialysis will be higher in the list)
To know more, click here for the 'MyKAS Introduction'

NRR Important Notice!

Please be ALERT!
Recently some HD centres had received a call from "company" stating that they are a Third Party Company, commissioned to collect data on behalf NRR.

  • In compliance with the PDPA Act, NRR has NEVER engaged any Third Party Company to collect Patient's Data or any data related to dialysis centre on behalf of NRR.
  • Please DO NOT disclose any information. Ignore any Calls, SMS or eMail from them. Kindly report this to NRR immediately.
  • Email correspondence
    • NRR eMail : nrr @
    • Staff eMail : (Mr Choo Cheh Loo)
    • Staff eMail : (Ms. Wan Najdah Binti Wan Mohamad Ali)
    • eNRR : enrr @
    • MyKAS : mykas @
    • eMRRB : mrrb @


    The Dialysis and Transplant Registry was established by the Department of Nephrology, Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) in 1992 to collect data from patients on renal replacement therapy within the Ministry of Health (MOH). In order to expand coverage to include non-MOH patients so that the registry may truly claim to be a national one, the ownership was transferred to the Malaysian Society of Nephrology. It was subsequently named Malaysian Dialysis and Transplant Registry (MDTR). MDTR collects information on patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) on renal replacement therapy (RRT) in Malaysia.

    This was subsequently renamed the National Renal Registry as its scope expanded and currently provide a national database for deceased donor kidney allocation (eMOSS) and collect data for the Malaysian Registry of Renal Biopsy (MRRB). Future undertakings will include the Living Kidney Donor Registry and the Interventional Nephrology Registry.

    In 2017, NRR has upgraded the data collection processes from a paper based to a web-based system and is called eNRR. The eNRR is more efficient and will enable SDPs the ability to access and tabulate their data on line.